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MPOD Chassis

MPOD / MMS chassis for the W-IE-NE-R / ISEG Universal Low & High Voltage Multichannel Power Supply System. In addition to the listed systems with one to 10 slots optionally hybrid chassis are available which combine MPOD with a VME or cPCI /PXI bus.

ImageNameSlotsBackplanesheightWidthMax Power HVMax Power LVControllerDisplay / Local Control
MPOD Micro-1 Crate1LV, HV or both2U19"300W400WMPOD-C or CC24Available
MPOD Micro-2 Crate2LV, HV or both3U19"300W800WMPOD-C or CC24Available
MPOD Mini Crate4LV, HV or both5U19"600W3000WMPOD-C or CC24Available
MPOD Full Size Crate10LV, HV or both8U19"2400W6000WMPOD-C or CC24Available
MPOD Mix Crate10LV, HV or both8U19"1200W6000WMPOD-C or CC24Available

MPOD LV/HV Power Supply System

MPOD / MMS is the Universal Low / High Voltage Multichannel Power Supply System. This 19″ / 6U Euro Cassette standard based modular high voltage system is the ISEG and W-IE-NE-R vendor specific multichannel voltage supply standard. With a wide set of modules this system provides the most advanced features in low voltage & high voltage generation.

Many users world-wide trust in the reliability, precision and quality of established MPOD / MMS hardware.

Offering a variety of chassis from a single slot up to 10 slots for 19″ rackmount use the MPOD / MMS system is scalable from small to large applications.

Offering highest channel density, the MPOD mainframes can house up to 10 plug-in low or high voltage modules. High voltage modules are available between 1 and 48 channels in the maximum voltage range of 100V …30kV.
The low voltage modules have up to 16 channels with a maximum of 200W / channel in different voltage ranges from 0 to 8V …. up to 120V. All HV and LV channels are individually controlled and monitored.

In order to tailor the system to the individual hardware needs MPOD can be configured as “low-voltage only”, “high voltage only” or “mixed configuration”. Further the MPOD mainframe is configurable to have all LV / HV connectors either on the front or rear side.

Different control and monitoring options are offered. Systems can be equipped with either the W-IE-NE-R MPOD controller or the new ISEG CC24 master controller with embedded Linux hardware featuring EPICS IOC, SNMPservice and an easy web browser-based configuration and control.

The MPOD controller with Ethernet and USB-2 interfaces provide a variety of network capabilities. Local control is available by using the optional LCD display.