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Ethernet Option
Ethernet OptionNAEthernet option for W-IE-NE-R chassis and power supplies
CAN-bus option
CAN-bus optionNACAN-bus option for W-IE-NE-R chassis and power supplies
CML00NA3U Control, Measurement and Data Logging and Ethernet /USB interface for Customized chassis
CML01NA6U Control, Measurement and Data Logging and Ethernet /USB interface for Customized chassis
MPOD Controller
MPOD ControllerMPOD/MMSMPOD / MMS remote controller with network interface

Remote Controllers

The ability to remotely monitor and control power supply parameters has become increasingly more important over the years. W-IE-NE-R recognizes this and provides many possibilities for remote monitoring.

Whether you are working with a standard power supply or a highly customized crate, you will find a control interface that fits your application. Most of W-IE-NE-R chassis, power supplies or fan trays are or can be equipped with an interface for remote monitoring and control.

For the 6000 series family as well as PLxxx power supplies a “Combo interface” with Ethernet (TCP/IP), CAN-bus and RS232 is available or even standard feature. The MPOD controller allows Ethernet or USB communication with MPOD/MMS systems.

Further the new Control, Measurement and Data Logging system (CML) is designed to add remote control and monitoring functionality to electronic systems which not outfitted with microprocessor-controlled power supplies.