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NIM Modules

Taking our customers one step closer to a complete system, offering a line of plug-in modules to accompany your NIM, CAMAC and VME chassis.

NIM mechanicsNIMNIM enclosure sets and pre-wired power connector
CAMAC to NIM Power AdapterNIM/CAMACPower adapter NIM-to-CAMAC

NIM Modules

NIM  “Nuclear Instrument Module” is the oldest and simplest nuclear electronics standard. Created in 1969 with AEC report TID20893 (Dec 1969), it defines a powered bin and plug in modules. NIM is the perfect standard for small and flexible setups for high resolution measurements with analogue electronics (amplifier, high resolution analog to digital converter, timing electronics as well as for low / high voltage supplies.

NIM modules have a height of 22.2cm a width of 3.43cm. On the rear side connector, the power for the modules is provided by the NIM bin for: +/-124V, +/-12V, +/-6V (added 1966!), 117V optionally.

Please see also ISEG NIM high voltage modules at and MESYTEC amplifier, discriminators and logic modules at

Introduction Into NIM Standard

Download introduction into the NIM & CAMAC standards