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CAMAC Crates

In support of legacy CAMAC based computer-controlled control and data acquisition systems in nuclear and high energy physics experiments W-IE-NE-R is the only manufacturer still offerring CAMAC crates.

CAMAC Crate CERN-CE 300WCAMAC257U19"300W+/-6V, +/-12V, +/-24V, 115VAC
CAMAC Crate CERN-CE 600WCAMAC257U19"600W+/-6V, +/-12V, +/-24V, 115VAC

Powered CAMAC Crates

CAMAC – “Computer Aided Measurement And Control” is a joint specification of the U.S. NIM and the European ESONE committees. CAMAC was introduced in 1969 by ESONE and fully defined in 1971 with the standards EUR4100 and EUR4600. It represents a complementation of the NIM standard for computer-based experiment control and data acquisition / measurements.

Main field of CAMAC use are computer-controlled control and data acquisition systems in nuclear and high energy physics experiments but also industrial applications in the past.

CAMAC modules have half of the NIM width and are outfitted with a rear side 86-pin edge card connector. Module power, address bus, control bus and data bus are provided by the CAMAC Dataway which includes 48 digital data transfer lines (24 read, 24 write), strobe signal lines as well as address and control lines.

CAMAC crates for 19″ rack mounting have 25 slots. Station 25, the rightmost station, is reserved for a CAMAC Crate Controller whereas slots 1 to 24 are normal stations.

Standard CAMAC crate controllers are double wide and use the two rightmost slots 24 and 25.

Introduction Into CAMAC Standard

Download introduction into the CAMAC standards