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VME Power Supplies

Modular designed, high performance & computer-controlled power supplies for W-IE-NE-R VME/VXI/VXS-cPCI/PXI chassis with standard or customer-selected power configurations.

UEP6021MDH, MEHW-IE-NE-R 6000 series, low noise switching Power Supply 3000W or 6000W

VME Power Supplies

VME is a high speed and high-performance bus system with powerful interrupt management and multiprocessor capability. It was created by combining VERSA-bus electrical specifications (1979) with the Euro card format resulting in the VME-bus Revision A – 1981 specification. The VME-bus specification has since then been refined through revisions B (1982), C, C.1, IEC 821 & IEC297 and IEEE 1014-1987. VME represents one of today’s most used industry bus.

Today’s test and instrumentation application demand highest power capability in combination with extreme stability and lowest noise. W-IE-NE-R developed the high density, modular, microprocessor controlled UEP 6021 power supply to match these needs. The UEP 6021 provides up to 8 channels floating DC. Due to the modular concept with universal power modules all output channels and voltages as well as available power and current limits can be tailored to the actual crate requirements. Standard Voltages for VME are +5V and +/-12V. VME64x in addition defines +3.3V and 48V whereas the CERN VME-430 standard requires -5.2V and -2V as well as optionally +/-15V. For special application any combination of up to 8 DC voltages is possible.

The UEP 6021 is available in 2 power classes / chassis dimensions: 3U (3kW) or 6U (6kW). The auto-ranging AC input with power factor corrections allows world-wide use.

All parameters are programmed and controlled by the embedded microprocessor. This also includes programmable current limits and over- / under voltage, voltage adjustments and a monitoring- and alarm-circuit. The UEP 6021 is equipped with RS232 and CAN-bus interface for communication.