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NIM Crates

For many years W-IE-NE-R full size and portable NIM crates have been the standard in nuclear physics experiments, providing mounting and high-quality power distribution for standard NIM modules.

ImageNameTypeSlotsHeightWidthMax PowerVoltages
NIM Compact 150W with UEP15
NIM Compact 150WNIM12 (10)*5U19"150W+/-6V, +/-12V, +/-24V, 115VAC
NIM portable chassis with 150W power supply
NIM Portable 150WNIM5273mm273mm150W+/-6V, +/-12V, +/-24V, 115VAC
5U NIMpact bin front side
NIMpact 300WNIM125U19"150W+/-6V, +/-12V, +/-24V, 115VAC
7U NIMpact chassis with fan tray front view
NIMpact 300W with fan trayNIM125U19"300W+/-6V, +/-12V, +/-24V, 115VAC
NIM CERN-CE 600WNIM125U19"600W+/-6V, +/-12V, +/-24V, 115VAC
NIM CERN-CE 600W with fan tray
NIM CERN-CE 600W with fan trayNIM125U19"600W+/-6V, +/-12V, +/-24V, 115VAC
7U NIM 6000 chassis
NIM 6000 seriesNIM127U19"1500W - 2700W+/-6V, +/-12V, +/-24V

Powered NIM Crates

NIM  “Nuclear Instrument Module” is the oldest and simplest nuclear electronics standard. Created in 1969 with AEC report TID20893 (Dec 1969), it defines a powered bin and plug in modules. NIM is the perfect standard for small and flexible setups for high resolution measurements with analogue electronics (amplifier, high resolution analog to digital converter, timing electronics as well as for low / high voltage supplies

Full size NIM bins for 19″ rack mounting have 12 slots and should be equipped with an excellent linear regulated power supply  (150W …  600W). NIM modules have a height of 22.2cm a width of 3.43cm. On the rear side connector the power for the modules is provided by the NIM bin for: +/-24V, +/-12V, +/-6V (added 1966!), 117V optionally.

Introduction into NIM standard

Download introduction into the NIM & CAMAC standards.