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Bin Options

W-IE-NE-R 6000 series bins combine the 6U or 9U high bus card cage with a 2U high fan tray below it and a power supply, which is plugged into the rear of the bin.

6023 - JLAB style with front to rear airflowUEV6023 with front to rear airflow and closed top
Transition cagesRear side mounted card cage for transition modules in 3U, 6U or 9U
VARIO-Divider (mixed 6U/9U)Front side Divider for 3U / 6U and 9U combined card cages
S-bin option (IEEE1101.10 compliant)All mechanical parts as extrusions and card guides according to IEEE 1101.10
E-bin option (IEEE1101.10 compliant)Compatible to IEEE 1101.10 extraction handles without EMC /ESD
Temperature ProbesTemperature sensor for Bin (monitored within crate control system)
Dust Filter OptionDust Filter tray
Easy Lever OptionPower Supplly handles
J3 backplane cover optionCover for J3 backlane area for 9U crates
Top Cover OptionPerforated top cover above card cage

W-IE-NE-R 6000 Series bin options

W-IE-NE-R 6000 series bins combine the 6U or 9U high bus card cage with a 2U high fan tray below it and a power supply, which is plugged into the rear of the bin. This modular concept allows fan trays and power supplies to be easily inserted and removed without tools. 

Different bin versions with various depths for 6U and 9U VME / VXI, VXS or cPCI and PXI/PXIe bus system cards are available. In addition to the standard crate types the 6000 series crates are easily customized match any customer specified configuration by using standard components. The bins are prepared to house any single or combination of multiple card cage(s) and backplane(s).

A variety of bin options is offered to tailor these chassis to individual requirements.